Saturday, August 27, 2011

Key Terms

Tragedy: drama treating a serious subject
Comedy: treats themes & characters with humor and happy endings
Monologue: extended speech by character
Soliloquy: monologue when character expresses private thoughts alone
Aside: brief comments spoken directly to audience
Plot: the way in which a story's events are arranged

Stages of Plot:
1. Exposition- sets story in motion, establishes scene, introduces characters
2. Complication (Rising Action)- crisis situation
3. Climax: point of greatest tension
4. Resolution- final stage of plot that draws action to a close & ties loose ends

In Media Res: "in the midst of things", opens in middle of story, uses flashback to reveal crucial elements
Flashback: examines an event or situation that occurred before time in which story's action is taking place
Foreshadowing: introduction early in a story of situations, events, characters, etc. that hint at things to come
Theme: central or dominant idea of story
Conflict: struggle between opposing forces that emerge as action develops

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