Thursday, September 22, 2011

Joyce's "The Dead"

Throughout the text, there are many references to the dead, death, and dying. Joyce's repetition of death makes it clear why he chose the title. Here are a few of the most important examples:
1. "He is dead, she said at length. He died when he was only seventeen. Isn't it a terrible thing to die so young as that?" (page 1971). In this quote, Gretta is telling Gabriel about Michael Furey's death. Although his memory is still alive within her, part of Gretta died with him.
2. "The blinds would be drawn down and Aunt Kate would be sitting beside him, crying and blowing her nose and telling him how Julia had died." (page 1973). This reference to dying talks of his Aunt Julia, who at any moment could "be a shade with the shade of Patrick Morkan and his horse."
3. "He was astonished to hear that the monks never spoke, got up at two in the morning and slept in their coffins." (page 1961). In this instance, Joyce brings up the subject of death even during character dialogue. Freddy Malins explained that "the monks were trying to make up for the sins committed by all the sinners in the outside world."

The names Michael and Gabriel have significant meaning because they are angels in the Bible. Michael refers to the archangel who is God's right hand man. Subservient to Michael, Gabriel was a less powerful angel. This parallels who had control over Gretta's heart in the story.

At the end of the story, Gabriel has an epiphany and realizes his wife is in love with her childhood lover. It closes with the vision of snow falling which represents a new beginning for Gabriel. Covering his past relationships, he is given a clean slate.


  1. Death is such a powerful symbol in this story, whether it be literal or emotional, and I feel like in a way it really does liberate Gabriel because he is able to put things into perspective and get real with his life. I guess it goes to show that love is stronger than death because even though Michael dies, Gretta still clings to his love even if she knows that it will hold her back from living her life fully. In the end, they are all connected one way or another because every character experiences death in some form or fashion in their life.

  2. I think that Michael, although he is actually dead, is the most "alive" as any of the characters. He is constantly brought up and thought about throughout the story. Gretta still is clinging to Michael's love even though she has Gabriel now so she isn't living in the present and enjoying her time with Gabriel. Also Gabrielle is worrying about Gretta still being in love with Michael instead of trying to love her for her. He also thinks that Aunt Julia is going to die soon. Death is found all throughout this story but it is looked at differently through each character.
